# 4. Issuing your first Credential

Issuing the your certificates and badges on the Credential Cloud is simple, Once you import/design your dynamic certificate/ badge design and create a credential group for the course/program you can start issuing the credentials for the same.

Before issuing certificates, make sure you have completed designing the certificate and credential group

🧾 Designing Certificate
🧾 Create Credential Group

Step 1: Click Create/issue New Credential from your issuer account home page

Step 2: Choose the Credential Group from which you want to issue the certificate/badge.

Step 3: Download Spreadsheet Template

Step 4: Fill in the recipient details as given in the sheet and save (Note: Do not alter predefined rows)

Step 5: Attach the Spreadsheet and click Create Credentials

Step 6: After successfully Creating Credentials, click Review Credentials

You will be taken to Under Review page, there you will find credentials that are ready for review.

Step 6: On clicking one the credential, you will be taken to review page, where you'll see how credential will look like in recipient view.

Step 7: Ready for publishing all credential? Go back to Issuer Home > select Unpublished section

Step 8: Select all the credentials you want to publish and click publish now

Hurray! you have successfully published your first credentials!