Certificates and badges are revolutionizing education.
People are still skeptical about digital credentials and aren't ready to switch from paper credentials to digital credentials. There is a preconceived notion about digital credentials that we think is unfair. This article debunks the top 10 myths and issues about digital credentials.
"Digital credentials: why do we need them? Paper credentials are good enough and get the job done”
While innovation has helped bring modern society where it is today, adapting to new innovations is just as important. Paper credentials are well-known and comfortable, but digital credentials are more authentic, less susceptive to fraud, and instantly verifiable.
Digital credentials are also cost-effective. On average, paper credentials cost around $25-30 to produce, including the price of paper, ink, manual verification, etc. Even with Hyperstack’s Credential Cloud’s highest tier of service, using which you can issue unlimited certificates to as many recipients as you need, at an affordable price of $233 per month, it is much lesser than what it costs to manufacture paper certificates for graduates.
Digital certificates also give certificate issuers the ability to revoke issued certificates almost instantly. Paper certificates, once issued, cannot be revoked easily, and the process can take a long time if it is noticed later.
“Digital Credentials are PDF certificates hosted online”
PDF certificates are a form of digital credentials, but digital credentials issued by Hyperstack and other credentialing platforms give issuers more control over the certificates. Organizations and institutions that publish digital credentials can revoke and expire compromised and old credentials, as well as verify and authenticate existing credentials. PDF certificates cannot be verified this easily. Another limitation of PDF credentials is the difficulty of sharing them. However, certificates and badges issued by Hyperstack can be instantly shared on social media platforms and added to your LinkedIn profile.
“Digital badges provide no value to people, and they can pile up quickly”
Digital badges are often misinterpreted as “good job” stickers that institutions issue online. Most learners and professionals have this prejudice against them, when in fact, digital badges are one of the most effective ways to get an employer's attention.
Digital badges are versatile in their ability to show that someone has done a fantastic job and/or learned a skill to perfection. Understand how digital badges work, and how you as an organization can benefit and unlock your full potential by reading this article.
“Digital credentials aren’t safe and secure”
Digital Credentials not only provide confidentiality of recipient data but also data integrity to ensure that neither recipients nor outside attackers can modify the contents of the credential. Hyperstack achieves this by storing all its digital credentials issued on the blockchain. Our blockchain-based system makes sure your certificates are authentic and secures your organizational identity and eliminates the possibility of fraud. With our multi-blockchain support, you can issue digital credentials on any blockchain with your own preference.
To read more about how blockchain technology secures digital credentials, click here
“Digital credentials aren’t recognized by employers”
Digital credentials are already the industry standard. Employers see candidates with digital credentials as a sign of their knowledge and competence in modern technology and the current status quo. In addition, they see this as a sign of their willingness to embrace change. Employers also prefer digital credentials as they are easily verifiable, as mentioned earlier. Institutions can also build their reputation with employers and recruiters as an organization that understands the rapidly changing world it is and the need for quick, powerful, and well-designed digital credentials.
“Candidates don’t need digital credentials”
Organizations take this assumption as it is without asking if the opposite is a possibility. And as one would expect, it is. There is a high demand for digital credentials among candidates. As the number of institutions providing digital credentials increases, issuers need to remain aware and competitive. If both platforms offer quality education, but one provides digital credentials and the other doesn’t, then it is safe to say that learners and professionals would want the option to have digital credentials.
“Digital credentials are expensive”
Without taking into consideration the staff required to produce and verify thousands of certificates manually, paper credentials will cost $25 on average to produce. That's $25,000 spent on certificates for 1000 recipients.
In comparison, Hyperstack’s Credential Cloud offers certificates for 1000 recipients for $480 annually. That’s $0.48 per certificate! In case, you need to send certificates to more recipients, we have customizable plans that can meet your needs. Check out our pricing plans here.
"Micro-credentials aren’t that popular”
Digital credentials are a revolution in technology, with complex concepts, terms, and definitions that will take a while to understand and make standard. The micro-credential is one of them, and while their importance and purpose might be difficult to grasp, they are part of this new disruptive innovation.
It will take time for mirco-credentials to be fully incorporated into the education industry. Still, the process is already underway. If our rapidly-changing world has taught us anything, it's that innovation can be accepted and incorporated into society with ease.
“People want physical copies of their certificates”
Not everyone has embraced digitization, and we understand that. Some people prefer to receive a traditional certificate. Candidates who want a physical certificate can contact their institution and request one. They will also have a digital version. This can be sent to recruiters, family, friends, etc.
Hyperstack’s Design Studio allows issuers to create high-quality certificates that can be printed professionally by issuing bodies or home copies for those that want a simple certificate that they can frame at their home or office.
“We don’t want to change our systems and workflow”
Hyperstack and other digital credentialing platforms are not designed to replace your current certification systems and workflow. Credentialing should be enhanced and made more efficient. Using Hyperstack's Credential Cloud, you save time, energy, and resources.
In Conclusion
We hope this article gave you insight into the world of digital credentials and got rid of any misconceptions that you might have had. Digital credentials are incredibly powerful tools that can transform the entire education industry for the better. Through the wider use of digital certificates and badges, enthusiastic learners and individuals willing to develop their skills will be able to access high-quality education and skill development, as well as gain job opportunities.
Are you ready to issue your digital certificates?
Join Hyperstack and create your first credential in as little as 15 minutes, and start your digital journey today!