OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Dalle-2 have gained a hundred million active users within 2 months of launch. While some use them for personal tasks, organizations are already gearing up for a future of artificial intelligence.
OpenAI’s ChatGPT and other forms of generative and language-based artificial intelligence models could be coming to take our current jobs. That sentence is designed to scare you, and you do not have to worry about your current position being taken by a computer anytime soon. However, it is not that far from the truth.
With the recent boom in AI, thanks to ChatGPT, many organizations are understanding the potential of AI models and are making strategies to use them effectively. It is safe to say that within a few years, many organizations will be implementing or already using artificial intelligence models to do mundane to semi-creative tasks. We need to understand the importance and the potential impact that AI has on our workforce.
What Is Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence by machines, with the intent of mimicking the problem-solving and decision-making capabilities of the human mind. A more scientific definition for AI is that it is a field that combines computer science and robust datasets to enable problem-solving.
Today, AI is still predominantly hype trains and speculation, with a few exceptions, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT. The reason for this is simple - it is very difficult to solve problems like humans. While computers and machines can get very close, they are far from where we are. But AI can be programmed to do tasks that humans find difficult to do, which can range from writing an email to a co-worker about ordering new supplies to calculating stock market dips and shorts.
This is where AI starts becoming a bit more effective. If AI can handle the work of implementation and calculation, similar to what ChatGPT does, that just leaves humans with the task of creating and innovating. This is scary to some as not many people are creative, and are good at doing mundane tasks that require little to no skill. With a constantly growing population, getting rid of these jobs for AI to do leads to unemployment and poverty rates reaching sky-high. But once again, there is still a long time for this to happen.
How do AI programs learn and adapt?
If you’ve heard of artificial intelligence, then you must have also heard about machine learning. It is the method through which machines learn from data and automatically improve upon themselves. AI and ML are rising in the enterprise sector as “the next big thing”. With their capability to vastly optimize operations through smart automation, ML algorithms are a key component in many online services. While Artificial Intelligence is the theory, Machine Learning is the practice. It gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed to learn. Let’s understand how.
For an AI model to mimic human intelligence, a developer would have to understand how their brain works and somehow be able to code it into a computer. This is nearly impossible, as we ourselves cannot explain how our brain works. Instead, we can write a program that builds models (bots) and tests them based on some input given by the user. At first, the builder creates bots in random configurations. These bots are then tested and the bots with the “highest scores” are then sent back to the builder, who builds more bots like them, with minor changes. Repeating this process over a million bots and over a million times results in a model that is highly accurate at one specific task.
Combining multiple algorithms allows a model to be useful for many tasks. This is a very simple explanation of how an AI model is built. While in theory, it doesn’t make sense because there is no actual learning by the machines, in practice, it works incredibly well. This is why in a few years, artificial intelligence models will begin taking over low-level jobs in many organizations to help augment human tasks.
How AI affecting the Job Market
Machines have been replacing the human workforce ever since the Industrial Revolution. Much of those changes have come from automating unskilled jobs such as using robotics in assembly line production. However, it is a slightly different case when we talk about artificial intelligence. A study developed by a doctoral student at Stanford shows that AI could potentially take over 95 percent of all blue and white-collar jobs.
The study measured the potential impact of AI on different types of jobs, and it found that jobs performed by college graduates and people with more advanced degrees will be the most affected, including professional, scientific, and technical careers, and industries like medicine, finance, and insurance.
Being prepared for this “AI Takeover”
Considering AI as a competitor to the human workforce is the best way to challenge it. Here’s how your organization can prepare for the future:
Because of artificial intelligence, it's difficult to predict what we may face in our workplaces five or 10 years down the line. What is certain is the need for skilled employees. Ensuring your organization’s workforce is constantly upskilling, both technical and emotional skills, will be a key factor in determining whether your organization can manage disruptive innovations in the industry. Upskill your workforce by offering learning programs and providing legitimate, verifiable digital credentials.
Effective Recruiting
The focus on employees with skills will continue to rise in importance. We don’t know the extent to which jobs are going to change, but hiring and recruiting talented and skilled individuals will allow your organization to combat unexpected circumstances. Rather than hiring simply on the basis of education and experience, dig deeper into what exactly they gained from that education and experience. Importantly, what skills did they acquire along the way? How can you be sure? The answer lies in digital credentials.
Employee Engagement
By offering a digital certificate or badge program to your employees, you will give them opportunities to be more engaged and motivated to increase their skills. You get an engaged workforce and highly skilled employees - two for the price of one!
In Conclusion
There is still time for AI Models such as ChatGPT and WriteSkill to be a viable threat to your workforce, but it is better to be proactive than negligent. Upskill your workforce with learning programs and offer authentic, verifiable digital credentials allowing them to showcase their knowledge and abilities.
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